Wednesday, July 12

Kevin Cooks Lasagna

Last night Bryan and I headed back down to Long Beach to have dinner with Bryan's brother Kevin in his new bachelor pad. I've eaten a Kevin-prepared meal once or twice before and let me tell you, the man does not disappoint. Apparently he got those genes, but Bryan definitely got the Bar-B-Queing ones.

Anyway, he made a fabulous veggie lasagna.

Here he is cooking...

and what he's cooking...

Now it's not terribly surprising that Kevin has taken up cooking elaborate Italian meals given that the cookbook author looks like this...

And her picture graces just about every page of the cookbook.

I can't tell you the recipe for the final lasagna, not because it's a secret, but because I was thoroughly enjoying not being the one in the kitchen, so I paid no attention. The result was divine.

Thanks Kevin!

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